Friday, December 4, 2009

What color eyeshadow will go well with a purple top?

gold smokey eveWhat color eyeshadow will go well with a purple top?
Actually, your eye shadow doesn't have to match your top or anything. It should compliment your eye color. And mixing different colors is always unique and absolutely stunning. What color eyes do you have?What color eyeshadow will go well with a purple top?
purple.. what color are your eyes?

brown eyes go good with brown, pink, or puurple,

blue go good with blue

green go good with silver

yeah it doesnt really matter your shirt color it matters more your eye color.
make it black towards the inside.

going towards your nose.

then make it silver goin more out to the outside of your eye.

where the colors meet,just blend em in together
Gold with black smokey look around the edges. Really super curler thick eyelashes! Clear shiny lip gloss too would look nice! :)
black would be best.if you use purple it might be too much.silver would be nice too
WHAtever you DO.... Dont match your clothes to ur eyeshadow, use like a black or silver
pink... pink with purple would be a perfect pastelly, spring-time look
yellow with gold sparkles

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